The Right Choice Of Tyres For An Enjoyable Drive
car tyres you buy. Larger vehicles like trucks and lorries will require larger tyres than cars and other smaller vehicles.
Tyres For Different Seasons The friction is not the only thing you need to look at when you are choosing tyres for the kind of road you normally drive on. You also need to ensure whether the tyres are appropriate for the season. To make it easy, I have put them in points below.
Summer Tyres- No, these are not designed for dry roads only, but even to withstand the wetness of summer rains, that are so common in a country like ours. With their simple block shape tread pattern, these tires maintain a rigid contact with the road to help you drive smoothly.
Winter Tyres-With their fine block design, these tires are designed to let you drive smoothly over snow covered roads. These tyres are designed with deep grooves to give you good traction on slippery roads.
All Season Tyres-
These are perhaps the most convenient, especially if you live in places with changing climates. The tyres are suitable for all seasons and can be used throughout the year. The tyres come with complex patterns to give you good stability and traction on wet, dry and freezing roads.
Buy Car Tyres Online You can have a look at the range of car tyres online from brands like Falcon, JK Tyres, Bridgestone and various others. Compare the prices and features of different car tyres online and get a set that you find convenient to drive with.
"> An enjoyable drive depends on quite a lot of factors, like the comfortable interiors in your car, a good stereo and the right car tyres. It is the tyres that determine how smooth your drive is going to be. So, if you don’t want to put in the effort on getting the right car tyres, be prepared for a hard time when changing the direction and driving on rough roads. The luxurious interiors in your car are going to serve no purpose if you cannot enjoy a smooth and comfortable drive.
The following are two things you need to look for when you are choosing new car tyres.
1. Friction- The amount of friction between your car’s tyres and the road depends on the kind of road you normally drive on. Tyres that do not give you the right friction will prevent you from changing directions easily. If you normally drive on dry roads, a friction of 0.7 would be ideal for you while something lower, like 0.4 would be more convenient for wet roads.
2. Support- The support depends on the kind of vehicle you drive, which is quite obvious. It is also very important that you have a look at the load rating of the car tyres you buy. Larger vehicles like trucks and lorries will require larger tyres than cars and other smaller vehicles.
Tyres For Different Seasons The friction is not the only thing you need to look at when you are choosing tyres for the kind of road you normally drive on. You also need to ensure whether the tyres are appropriate for the season. To make it easy, I have put them in points below.
Summer Tyres- No, these are not designed for dry roads only, but even to withstand the wetness of summer rains, that are so common in a country like ours. With their simple block shape tread pattern, these tires maintain a rigid contact with the road to help you drive smoothly.
Winter Tyres-With their fine block design, these tires are designed to let you drive smoothly over snow covered roads. These tyres are designed with deep grooves to give you good traction on slippery roads.
All Season Tyres- These are perhaps the most convenient, especially if you live in places with changing climates. The tyres are suitable for all seasons and can be used throughout the year. The tyres come with complex patterns to give you good stability and traction on wet, dry and freezing roads.
Tyres For Different Seasons The friction is not the only thing you need to look at when you are choosing tyres for the kind of road you normally drive on. You also need to ensure whether the tyres are appropriate for the season. To make it easy, I have put them in points below.
Summer Tyres- No, these are not designed for dry roads only, but even to withstand the wetness of summer rains, that are so common in a country like ours. With their simple block shape tread pattern, these tires maintain a rigid contact with the road to help you drive smoothly.
Winter Tyres-With their fine block design, these tires are designed to let you drive smoothly over snow covered roads. These tyres are designed with deep grooves to give you good traction on slippery roads.
All Season Tyres-
These are perhaps the most convenient, especially if you live in places with changing climates. The tyres are suitable for all seasons and can be used throughout the year. The tyres come with complex patterns to give you good stability and traction on wet, dry and freezing roads.
Buy Car Tyres Online You can have a look at the range of car tyres online from brands like Falcon, JK Tyres, Bridgestone and various others. Compare the prices and features of different car tyres online and get a set that you find convenient to drive with.
"> An enjoyable drive depends on quite a lot of factors, like the comfortable interiors in your car, a good stereo and the right car tyres. It is the tyres that determine how smooth your drive is going to be. So, if you don’t want to put in the effort on getting the right car tyres, be prepared for a hard time when changing the direction and driving on rough roads. The luxurious interiors in your car are going to serve no purpose if you cannot enjoy a smooth and comfortable drive.
The following are two things you need to look for when you are choosing new car tyres.
1. Friction- The amount of friction between your car’s tyres and the road depends on the kind of road you normally drive on. Tyres that do not give you the right friction will prevent you from changing directions easily. If you normally drive on dry roads, a friction of 0.7 would be ideal for you while something lower, like 0.4 would be more convenient for wet roads.
2. Support- The support depends on the kind of vehicle you drive, which is quite obvious. It is also very important that you have a look at the load rating of the car tyres you buy. Larger vehicles like trucks and lorries will require larger tyres than cars and other smaller vehicles.
Summer Tyres- No, these are not designed for dry roads only, but even to withstand the wetness of summer rains, that are so common in a country like ours. With their simple block shape tread pattern, these tires maintain a rigid contact with the road to help you drive smoothly.
Winter Tyres-With their fine block design, these tires are designed to let you drive smoothly over snow covered roads. These tyres are designed with deep grooves to give you good traction on slippery roads.
All Season Tyres- These are perhaps the most convenient, especially if you live in places with changing climates. The tyres are suitable for all seasons and can be used throughout the year. The tyres come with complex patterns to give you good stability and traction on wet, dry and freezing roads.