Flu Shots and Vaccination - How Safe Are They?

Vaccination is a vaccine of antigenic material injected in to your body to protect the immune system against diseases. One of the best known and common one is the influenza vaccine. This should protect against cold infections and the more severe influenza. Is it really such effective and without any side effects?

There are many more vaccinations and most have proven successful and responsible to limit the danger of chickenpox, polio, tetanus, measles, smallpox etc. Although many times vaccinations have come under severe controversy over certain incidents and medical safety. Which risk is higher: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? According to medical experts there is no or little risk. Who do we believe? If there is no risk why has there been compensation payouts for injuries caused from vaccinations?

Should children be vaccinated under the age of two?

Babies been vaccinated many times before they reach the age of 12 months according to medical information. The more common flu vaccine known of being dangerous to children was not withdrawn despite serious side effects detected in clinical trials.

The vaccine Flufax been taken of the healthy list over three years ago due to the risk of fits, febrile convulsions and high fevers and yet, some doctors are still injecting children with it today. Seeing many reports like this a responsible parent would ask many questions before putting a child under such risk which could have many health consequences later in life.

For a parent who's got any doubt about vaccine for the children this would be a hard decision to make, a situation where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Why such increase in vaccines over recent years?

By the time a child reaches the age of two it would have received over 30 vaccinations. In contrast to that, over a century ago there were only four vaccinations available. Shouldn't there be a different or better approach than the one size fits all? Doesn't our bodies have different needs under different situations and circumstances?

With all the many vaccinations for children one would expect there is less illness in children today; but it is just the opposite. Many years ago most children had measles. After contracting this disease the body's own defense will give its life-long immunity for that child or person in later years never to get measles again.

There is growing evidence that the risk factor from vaccinations outweighs the benefits of avoiding at least some of them. There has been a strong defense in favor for vaccines that they are safe. Could those who stay in defense for this explain why there were payments made of over 1.5 billion Dollars from government compensation programs for injuries and deaths of children occurred to families? The best defense against many illnesses and infectious diseases is a good healthy diet and we must scrutinize more of the food we eat.

More about health, the immune system and how to choose the best natural supplement to add to your daily diet, also for children with a pleasant taste, just follow the link below, information is free.
My name is Josef Bichler. I have a passion for wellness and showing others how to live healthy lives. I have corrected my own health problems with the use of alternatives only and helping others to achieve their health objectives through lifestyle changes,

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