Look Younger with Dental Implants

A person who loses natural teeth will go through numerous problems concerning the smile’s function and appearance. It will be very difficult to do normal things such as biting or chewing on food during mealtimes, and eating can often be painful to do because of the lack of teeth. Speech problems also arise with tooth loss, especially if front teeth are the ones that go missing. In addition, a person who suffers from tooth loss will experience a dramatic change in appearance when natural teeth are lost due to a variety of reasons. 

Losing the natural teeth will instantly make the lips and mouth area look shrivelled. At rest, the face will look unhealthy and unnatural without the supporting structure of teeth. The shrunken appearance of the mouth area results to a significantly older look, as being toothless is closely associated to an advanced age. When the mouth is opened, the aesthetic problem becomes even worse as unsightly gaps without teeth are exposed.

 The spaces created by missing teeth make the smile look extremely unattractive. On the other hand, the loss of the tooth roots attached to natural teeth leads to the deterioration of the jawbone, which in turn makes the mouth area take on a more shrunken appearance as years of being toothless go by.

Tooth loss makes a person look much older, but this condition does not need to be permanent. Even the effects of years of suffering from missing teeth, and the accompanying advanced age appearance, can be reversed with the help of dental implants that replace the healthy function and form of lost teeth. The implants are embedded directly into the jawbone, stimulating the bone structure to replace the role of the lost tooth roots.

As a result, jawbone deterioration (which leads to the shrunken mouth appearance) is prevented or at least stopped from further worsening, and the bone structure in the mouth area retains its healthy form and function. The dental implants are attached to teeth replacements such as dental crowns or a dental bridge to complete the restoration of the smile.

 Unsightly gaps caused by tooth loss are closed to make the smile look complete and healthy once more. The function of the smile is greatly improved as well – eating and chewing on food can be done in a normal, comfortable manner, and speaking clearly can be managed without difficulties once more, with the help of a dental implant treatment.

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