10 Benefits of Green Tea
With the advent of the coffee craze, tea has fallen by the wayside for many people. However, there are a lot of great reasons to consider trading that morning latte for a cup of green tea, which has been touted by some as the healthiest beverage on the planet (imagine how healthy green tea made with alkalife would be!). Here are ten amazing benefits.
1. Improves brain functionGreen tea contains just the right amount of caffeine to perk up your mind without giving you jitters. Combined with an amino acid called L-theanine, it lower anxiety and improves productivity. And not only does it have short-term benefits, but some compounds in green tea can actually lower your risk of dementia and Alzheimers.
2. Helps burn fat
Many fat-burning supplements contain green tea as an ingredient. This is because it boosts the metabolic rate and increases fat oxidation. Combined with exercise and a healthy diet, it aids against obesity, which comes with many extra health problems of its own.
3. It promotes oral health
Green tea consumption is correlated with decreased rates of periodontal disease and oral cancer. An antioxidant known as “catechin” decreases the body’s inflammatory responses to bacteria, lowering the acidity that causes cavities and other issues.
4. Green tea functions as “internal sunscreen”
Temperatures are climbing, so this is a good time to pay attention to this one! The catechins in green tea help the skin develop UV resistance, lowering your risk of sunburn or sun-related ageing. Don’t treat it as a replacement for sunscreen though, both are important – natural sunscreen of course.
5. Contains medicinal properties
They include polyphenols (powerful antioxidants that battle disease-causing free radicals) as well as vitamins and minerals. One of the most interesting compounds is called EGCG, which has been connected with the treatment of disease.
6. Aids eyesight
Catechins are the miracle-workers here as well – they can be absorbed into the tissues of the eyes, protecting eyes from degenerating and even fighting against blindness-inducing cataracts.
The main types it shields against are breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer, lowering risk as much as 50%. Some studies show that it is effective against other types of this terrible disease as well.
8. Helps prevent type II diabetes
This disease is based around two primary factors: insulin resistance and high blood sugar. Green tea works against both factors by boosting insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar. Studies estimate that it reduces the risk of diabetes from 18-42%. If you’d like to read a personal account of a diabetes sufferer in our previous post click here.
9. Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
If your doctor has warned you that your cholesterol is too high, which can cause heart disease and stroke, load up on the green tea. Drinking up to five cups a day produces the best results.
10. Fights allergies
Do summer plants have you sneezing? Green tea has some anti-allergenic compounds that can help prevent an allergic response and relieve your symptoms with a natural antihistamine.
To maximise the benefits you experience, buy organic and brew it yourself instead of buying commercial sugar-heavy varieties. Lastly, drinking it iced is fine, but it’s usually considered better to consume it freshly-brewed and hot. Try out some different flavours and varieties, and enjoy!