Fit VS Fat – Which Rules Your Health?
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Popcorn Is a Perfect Healthy SnackLow-fat popcorn is crunchy, delicious, and a source of whole grain fiber. Plus, you can enjoy a large, filling portion! Look for popcorn made with "94% Fat Free Butter" or air-popped popcorn. Potato chips are high in fat and it�s hard to eat just a few - all that you get in a 1 oz serving. If you love chips, go for the baked ones and watch your portion size.
One Bowl for Your Fiber Needs
For a nourishing start to your day, choose a whole-grain bran cereal packed with fiber, such as raisin bran or bran flakes. Add fruit and low-fat milk for the most nutritious beginning. Granola may be natural but it�s often high in fat. Use granola sparingly or as a topper on low-fat yogurt.
Shave the Fat, Not the Flavor
Choose sorbets, sherbets, light ice creams, or frozen yogurts for a fraction of the fat and calories. Thanks to a new special churning technology, these frozen treats taste like rich and creamy premium ice cream. A � cup dessert can fit into everyone�s diet.
Thanks to a new special churning technology, these frozen treats taste like rich and creaSkip High-Fat Pizza Toppings
Enjoy thin-crust frozen pizza Margarita style, or with grilled chicken or veggies. By passing on the sausage, pepperoni, and extra cheese, you�ll slash the fat, sodium, and calories in this favorite food.
Limit your portion to two slices (of a 12-inch pizza) and add a filling side salad to complete the meal.
Go for Real Juice
100% fruit juices are naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting antioxidants. In fact, they�re the next best thing to eating whole fruit.
"Fruit juice drinks," however, are usually packed with sugar and empty calories.
Snack on Healthy Hummus
Hummus is a gratifying combination of nutrition when paired with fresh veggies like baby carrots or baked pita chips.
Made from chick peas, hummus is a good source of iron, vitamin C, protein, and fiber.
So enjoy the pleasing taste of hummus and skip the cheese dip that can lead to diet sabotage.
Frozen Meals Can Be Healthy, Too!
Look for frozen meals that feature lean protein, plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and a low-fat or simple sauce.
Avoid fried frozen food, or creamy casseroles. Frozen meals that are baked, grilled, steamed, or saut�ed are healthier and lower in calories.
Spaghetti �A Healthy Favorite
Macaroni and cheese may be an old-standby, but it�s low in fiber and loaded with fat and calories.
Fat-Free Frozen Shrimp & Prawns
Shrimp are a tastier and healthier alternative to breaded fish sticks.
You can buy them already cooked and shelled. Eat them cold with cocktail sauce, grill them, or saut� with veggies in a stir-fry.
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